Factors influencing Paraguayan consumer behavior in relation to e-commerce
Market, e-commerce, consumer, behavior, internet, marketingAbstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the behavior of Paraguayan consumers in relation to e-commerce. A quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive methodology was used, collecting data through a survey in digital format conducted to a total of 404 participants taken from a simple random sample in 2023. The results showed that 48.1% point to Fashion and Apparel as the most purchased item, 40.6% for Food and Beverages, 51% shop once a month, 41.4% consider online shopping to be very convenient, 38.3% and 36.5% agree or strongly agree to find better deals online, 49.9% express strong agreement that the variety of products available is highly valued, etc. It is concluded that most of the participants point out that the determining factors in the choice of this modality are the times and schedules of attention and also the options of shipping and delivery of the merchandise. Finally, there is a constant evolution and increase in consumer acceptance of this modality at the local level.
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