Zero-paper and its application in university management




Electronic data processing, management of the teaching center, information technology, data processing, education, environment


The objective is to analyze the use of paper in university management. It was based on a quantitative, transversal, exploratory and descriptive approach. The population and sample were made up of 12 people who perform functions within the chain of command (managerial, administrative and academic) at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences (FACEM) of the National University of Canindeyú (UNICAN), based in Salto. Guairá and subsidiary in Curuguaty, Paraguay. A survey was used using a 19-question questionnaire, sent via WhatsApp for convenience in 2023. The results show that 41.7% indicated that the use of paper is essential in their work; 66.7% recognize the saving of economic resources by reducing or eliminating the use of paper; 75% identified the existence of a high dependence on paper in fulfilling their functions; and 58.3% determined that with the decrease in impressions, electrical energy savings are achieved. It is concluded that, despite a considerable use of paper in routine tasks, it is perceived that the implementation of the Zero Paper policy at FACEM-UNICAN could generate savings in various resources, facilitate the transition to the digital era and contribute to the preservation of the environment.


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How to Cite

Dávalos von Eckstein, J. E., & Valenzuela Ortega, D. F. (2024). Zero-paper and its application in university management. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 6, 01–08.