Soft skills and job performance in workers of a local district government in Chiclayo-Peru, 2023




Communication, skills, productivity; worker, leadership, social skills


The objective of the study is to determine the relationship between soft skills and job performance in workers of a local district government of Chiclayo-Perú, 2024. The study was quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive. The population was made up of 527 employees of a municipal entity of Chiclayo and with a sample of 146 participants. The response rate was 89% (130). The inclusion terms considered were: administrative, operational, management, appointed and contracted personnel and public servants with a minimum of 6 months of seniority on the job. The data collection technique was through the survey using a questionnaire made up of 30 questions composed of 2 variables (soft skills [15 items] and job performance [15]) by simple randomization and online. It was found that the main variables are positively related through a Rho coefficient of 0.855; Consequently, if staff are trained to develop their capabilities and, therefore, their abilities, they have more options to achieve adequate results that help achieve organizational results. It was concluded that training personnel in the development of their capabilities and skills increases the probability of obtaining satisfactory results, contributing to the fulfillment of organizational objectives.


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How to Cite

Rivera, M. A., & Cabrera Chepe , N. (2025). Soft skills and job performance in workers of a local district government in Chiclayo-Peru, 2023. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales, 7, 01–10.