Challenges of Higher Education in Paraguay: An analysis of current policies




Higher education, Tertiary education, educational autonomy, continuous teacher training, educational transformation, educational policy, university, Paraguay


Higher education in Paraguay is facing a complex moment, demanding a critical analysis of current educational policies. Although there has been an increase in student enrollment and advances in educational technologies, discrepancies persist between the number of graduates, their employment positions, and economic growth. It is proposed to put forward proposals that seek to reform current regulations, highlighting the importance of reviewing university autonomy, internationalization as a mission, and reevaluating evaluation criteria. The need to innovate strategies for continuous training in the face of technological progress is emphasized. The connection between higher education and the demands of the labor market must be strengthened, incorporating social and human aspects in training. Interdisciplinarity is essential, promoting a comprehensive understanding of social systems and processes through curricular changes. The reforms seek not only to improve academic quality but also to train ethical and socially conscious individuals to contribute to sustainable social progress. The purpose of this analysis is to lay the critical foundations, considering the integration of scientific knowledge in the elaboration of public policies related to education.


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How to Cite

Cruz, F. (2024). Challenges of Higher Education in Paraguay: An analysis of current policies. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 6, 01–10.