An approach to citizenship and statelessness from social theory




citizenship, statelessness, human rights, social system, society, Public Law


Citizenship, understood as a political and legal relationship, and statelessness, considered as a negative situation of citizenship, have been topics widely treated in the Social Sciences, mainly from the perspectives of Politics and Law, however the lack of analysis of these phenomena from a social theory perspective is notable. This reflective article proposes an analysis, from social theories, of the various understandings of citizenship, for the sake of an argument that leads to the justification of the social need to prevent the risk of statelessness. It starts from the consideration of the object of study from the approaches of the socio-critical epistemological paradigm, for which it reflects on the understanding of citizenship and statelessness through the evolution of objectivist, subjectivist, constructivist and structuration theories. A sociological definition of citizenship is proposed as the set of political and legal interactions between two subjects, around the same State. It is concluded that the discourses of human rights, in general, and of access to a citizenship as human right, in particular, constitute structuring structures of a solution to statelessness from social theory.


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How to Cite

Fraga Acosta, M. A. (2024). An approach to citizenship and statelessness from social theory. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 6, 01–16.