Towards gender equity: A bibliographic review of the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals




Gender equality, equal opportunities, social inequality, sustainable development, women and development, human rights


The study aims to analyze research related to Sustainable Development Goal number 5 (SDG 5) Gender equality, within the framework of inequalities, violence and the empowerment of women. The study focused on a systematic review in Scopus in 2023. The inclusion criteria were established using specific keywords (Gender equality, gender and equality, Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals), covering the period between 2019 and 2022. 3,340 investigations were located and 37 were analyzed according to established parameters. The main finding reveals that, despite international efforts and commitments to promote gender equality, significant challenges persist in areas such as education, labor participation, wage disparities and violence against women. As a final reflection, it is highlighted that the path towards gender equality and the empowerment of women requires a continuous commitment on the part of governments, institutions and society as a whole. The promotion of inclusive policies and the eradication of gender stereotypes are essential to building a more just and equitable world for all people, regardless of their gender.


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How to Cite

Ochoipoma Guerrero, J. H., Ochoipoma Guerrero, J. H., & Muñoz Ccuro, F. E. (2024). Towards gender equity: A bibliographic review of the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 6, 01–19.