The role of the state and informal ownership in urban society
Property law, sanitation, housing, urbanization, cost estimates, statement of financial position, income statements, profitability., lawAbstract
The general objective of the scientific literature review article was to analyze various scientific articles that provide us with information and accurate data on the elements of the different concepts and interpretations of the right to possession of urban properties. The qualitative approach and a descriptive study of scientific articles indexed in different certified databases of national and international journals indexed in Scielo, Scopus, Dialnet, Redalyc, Sciencedirect, between the years 2018 - 2023 were used. The reviewed documents are supported by descriptive, analytical, qualitative, quantitative and inductive studies. Regarding the mentioned scientific articles, 70 scientific researches were located, being selected for the purposes of this article 52 of them that were used for the inquiry and interpretation of the information gathered and compiled from the various studies. The main finding is that land ownership in the informal sector is due to poverty and labor shortages. Finally, after an in-depth analysis, it was concluded that possession, understood as the de facto exercise over the property, gives the possessor the power to formalize and obtain the right of ownership, thus becoming the new owner.
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