Asymmetries in nursing regulations in the Mercosur
Specialists, Legislation, health, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, UruguayAbstract
The objective is to determine the regulations where the free circulation of people, goods and services of the nursing practice is established that allow compliance with the Treaty of Asunción - MERCOSUR. It was based on a qualitative, cross-sectional and descriptive approach. Current regulations for the professional practice of nursing in the countries that make up MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) were analyzed until the year 2021, through a matrix composed of 4 aspects (country, type of regulation, year of promulgation and characteristics). The most relevant results were: all the MERCOSUR countries have Laws that regulate the professional practice of nursing. Brazil was the first to promulgate Law 2604/55 on the regulation of the practice of nursing in 1955 followed by Argentina with Law 24,004 in 1991. It is concluded that the regulations for the practice of Nursing can contribute that there are still restrictions with regarding the free movement of people, goods and services between the States Parties for nursing. The absence of harmonization between their laws is evident, which makes it impossible to strengthen the integration process, especially for these professionals.
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