Analysis of tourist accommodation and its capacity for the development of meeting tourism in the city of Asunción-Paraguay, 2022




Tourism, hotel industry, service industries, reunion, conferences, Paraguay


The objective is to analyze tourist accommodation and its capacity for the development of meeting tourism in the city of Asunción-Paraguay, 2022. It was carried out using a quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive approach. 36 establishments registered on the REGISTUR website were analyzed in October 2022. The inclusion criteria were: having a website, being a tourist accommodation establishment located in the city of Asunción and registered as active or operating in REGISTUR. The data collection technique was observation and the instrument used consisted of a registration form made up of 4 variables and 16 items. The results show that 72% of the establishments offer services for Meeting Tourism: banquets, food and beverages and internet (100%), support staff for events (88%) and audiovisual services (85%). The meetings held are mainly Business (92%), so it is concluded that the accommodation capacity of the city of Asunción is quite large and allows it to cover the demand of this market segment.


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How to Cite

León Centurión, R. J., & Sutty Segovia, H. I. (2023). Analysis of tourist accommodation and its capacity for the development of meeting tourism in the city of Asunción-Paraguay, 2022. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 5(2), 8–13.