E-commerce of ondigenous alternative tourist destinations in Chiapas, Mexico
E-commerce, accounting research, tertiary sector, ecotourism, company, tourismAbstract
This study aims to describe the electronic commerce of indigenous alternative tourist destinations through the analysis of their websites in Chiapas, Mexico. A quantitative, transversal, exploratory and descriptive approach was adopted. The sample population was made up of 13 websites of tourist destinations in Chiapas, selected under the inclusion criteria that required that they be sites with the Indigenous Paradise distinction and located in the state of Chiapas. The instrument consisted of a check list composed of 4 categories of analysis (Main social networks associated with their website, Main communication mechanisms used to make a sale, Online price strategy information and Online payment options). The analysis was carried out during the months of October to December 2022. The most relevant results were: 13.68% of the Indigenous Paradises in Mexico are located in Chiapas and of these 38.48% are located in the municipality of Ocosingo, 30% lack a website; 100% with a presence on Facebook and 50% provide the option to make online reservations. It is concluded that there is a need for Indigenous Paradises to diversify their technological tools for promotion and reservation.
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