Critical discourse analysis of stakeholders of the national science and technology system of Paraguay
Science, technology, science and technology, scientific development, scientific innovations, ParaguayAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the discourses used by the main actors involved in Paraguay's national science and technology system. The fact of inquiring about the national innovation system from the direct consultation of skateholders allowed to deepen the information provided by the policy makers. And this is where the innovative character of this material lies, in the context of research that addresses innovation policy and that focuses on the analysis of documents or statements of policy makers, while here we have worked with a multivocality that highlighted opposing discourses, others that complement each other and those dominant. Thus, from a perspective based on social constructivism -according to which language constructs social reality- the way in which the discourse of certain groups affects how the Paraguayan national system of science and technology is constituted was analyzed.
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