Emotional salary: Care of the work environment and corporate culture
motivation, wages, organization, human resources, personnel management, work environmentAbstract
The emotional salary represents an effective alternative when seeking to implement strategies that allow the improvement and care of the business environment, including the work environment and corporate culture. After analyzing part of the existing bibliography related to this strategy, and through reading examples and specific cases of applications carried out in real business environments; a better appreciation and consideration of the importance of the delicate work that must be done when talking about the care of a company's human talent, is achieved. Although there are different alternatives with the potential to improve the experience of working in a certain place, the emotional salary allows the observation of immediate results such as a considerable increase in the employee-company connection, motivation and commitment to the effective achievement of goals; and all this without, however, representing an imbalance in the budget stipulated for the operation and maintenance of a company. This disbursement begins to be appreciated no longer as an expense, but as an investment with a considerable return. The implementation of this alternative manages to demonstrate how relevant and crucial factors such as motivation and happiness become within the daily life of collaborators, especially when many of them spend extensive vital moments at work.
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