Dissemination of ancestral practices and knowledge of the Guarani culture in Paraguay: Case study of Clay Crafts in the cities of Itá, Areguá and Tobatí, 2018-2022





diffusion, clays, culture, handicrafts, traditional knowledge, Paraguay


The objective of the research is to know how Paraguayan clay crafts are disseminated in three cities and what are the main means used for their promotion or promotion on the internet from 2018 to 2022. The work was based on a quantitative cross-sectional approach and descriptive. The documentary analysis technique was used, reviewing websites, digital newspapers, blogs, social networks, etc., of the last five years. As a data collection instrument, a file with 6 dimensions and 24 criteria was used. A total of 44 publications were analyzed. The results refer that most of the publications mention the city of Areguá (64%), published mostly in 2020 (32%), through web pages (57%), the types of publication and predominant motives are articles. of promotion (48%), mentioning only 56% of the Guarani ancestral heritage. Therefore, it is concluded that greater support is needed in the dissemination and promotion of these crafts as cultural heritage inherited from the Guarani ancestors, so that they are not lost, as well as mechanisms that contribute to their appreciation and recognition, especially in the cities of Itá, Areguá and Tobatí.


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How to Cite

Sutty Segovia, H. I. (2023). Dissemination of ancestral practices and knowledge of the Guarani culture in Paraguay: Case study of Clay Crafts in the cities of Itá, Areguá and Tobatí, 2018-2022. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 5(1), 44–51. https://doi.org/10.53732/rccsociales/05.01.2023.44