Preference of work modality in workers from Asunción-Paraguay post-quarantine by COVID-19 in 2022
employment, labour, workers, enterprise, pandemic, ParaguayAbstract
The objective is to determine the preference of the work modality in workers from Asunción-Paraguay post-quarantine by COVID-19 in 2022. Study with a quantitative descriptive cross-sectional approach. 211 participants with work in Asunción and voluntary participation were surveyed. A survey was conducted through a questionnaire (five criteria and 35 indicators) for convenience in May 2022 via WhatsApp. The preference of the work modality was mixed (35.5%) in post-quarantine. Likewise, 84.8% of the participants worked face-to-face before the pandemic, during the health crisis 58.4% did it in home office mode and 53.6% face-to-face in post-quarantine. Among the advantages, it was found that it was easier to integrate new members (x̄:4,17) in person and greater use of technology (x̄:4,61) in the home office. The disadvantages were a higher cost increase in office supplies (x̄:4,64) in face-to-face and a greater lack of limits in working hours (x̄:4,10) in home office. It is concluded that people do not rule out the possibility of working under the home office work modality from now on. Finally, companies should rethink the possibility of implementing remote work for some of their positions.
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