Causes of care of children from 0 to 8 years old by precautionary measure in the Childhood and Adolescence Court of Capiatá. Period 2016-2018
Causes of care of children from 0 to 8 years old by precautionary measure in the Childhood and Adolescence Court of Capiatá. Period 2016-2018
Law, adolescence, family, children, social problems, behaviourAbstract
Guardianship is a measure by which the court entrusts a person with the care, protection, attention and integral assistance of the child and adolescent. The objective is to analyze the causes of custody of children from 0 to 8 years of age by precautionary measure in the Childhood and Adolescence Court of Capiatá, period 2016-2018. It was based on a qualitative, descriptive cross-sectional approach, using documentary analysis techniques in 2021. Files of 32 children from 0 to 8 years old were analyzed, considering legible writing between the years 2016 - 2018. The study was of mixed approach, descriptive of cross section, using documentary analysis techniques in 2021. Files of 32 children from 0 to 8 years old were analyzed, considering only those that presented complete data and legible writing between the years 2016 - 2018. The cause of custody by precautionary measure was motivated because the parents violated the rights of the children. In order to make the best interest of the child prevail, the characteristics sought in the foster families was kinship, however, in most cases the children were given in custody to non-relative third parties to protect the best interest of the child. It is concluded that in all cases the causes that generate the loss of parental care in children are due to the main problems of an economic, social, and cultural nature in which the parents live.
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