Incidence of the use of ICT in meaningful learning during COVID-19 at the National University of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo, Paraguay




learning, pandemic, technology, education, ICT, teacher


The objective is to describe the incidence of the use of ICT in meaningful learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at the National University of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo, Paraguay. It was based on a mixed cross-sectional and descriptive approach. The sample consisted of 26 teachers and 107 students from the Business Administration and National Public Accountant careers. The inclusion criteria were being active, belonging to one of the two careers and voluntary participation. Interviews were conducted with teachers (11 questions) and surveys with students (6 questions) sent via WhatsApp, both for convenience in 2021. The tool most frequently used by teachers is the Moddle Platform (68%), the most frequently used resource for distribution of the contents in PDF (60%) and implementation of individual activities (56%). In addition, the students affirm that virtual education is neither better nor worse than face-to-face education (61%) but confirm that technological tools collaborate with the development of learning (83%). It is possible to achieve significant learning in students through the use of ICT in the virtual modality. Finally, factors that must be taken into account are: digital skills of the teacher and; technological infrastructure in educational institutions


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How to Cite

Balletbo Fernández, I., & Quintana, C. (2022). Incidence of the use of ICT in meaningful learning during COVID-19 at the National University of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo, Paraguay. Revista científica En Ciencias Sociales - ISSN: 2708-0412, 4(2), 18–26.