Role of masculinities in food transmission
diet, aged, masculinity, qualitative researchAbstract
Introduction. masculinities represent diverse social roles and a male stereotype that limits the development of domestic tasks, among others, be in charge of family feeding. Objective. to interpret the stories of older people about the role of masculinities in the family food transmission. Material and methods. exploratory study with qualitative approach using the methodology of the Grounded Theory of Strauss and Corbin. Elderly male participants participated, to whom a semi-structured interview was applied. The data were analyzed through open, axial and selective coding, which allowed identifying the central categories that were the basis of the theory survey that responds to the object of study. The research was endorsed by the scientific ethics committee. Results. a social transfer of family eating habits, patterns and customs is recognized in this group of people, especially in the new stages of their life trajectory. As older people, masculinities adapt to the care and needs of their respective homes, in particular, in new stages of their life trajectory. As older people, masculinities adapt to the care and needs of their respective homes, assisting in food purchases, preparing culinary preparations or recognizing male members of their families in the intergenerational transfer of food knowledge. Conclusion. From the stories of elderly participants, masculinities present a family dynamic that begins to demystify the female gender role in the cultural transfer of food.
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