Disciplinary knowledge in the curriculum: critical view from current nursing training
nursing, nursing education, resume, higher educationAbstract
In the last five decades, nursing researchers have worked hard in the theoretical-conceptual field, providing the foundations on which nursing knowledge has been built, strictly complying with mental processes and based on ethical, moral and value aspects. This reflection article expresses the analysis of the development of the nursing discipline addressed from the beginning of the profession itself to the current development, recognizing first of all the importance of the concepts emanated and their application in the scientific development of nursing. discipline at a national and international level, secondly, information on the nursing discipline is provided in relation to other disciplines, such as in the case of medicine. It is also considered of great relevance to carry out a curricular analysis, since with the passage of time there has been little theoretical-practical link in higher education institutions, which may happen in the future for new professionals to have little support in care. generated due to the lack of integration of knowledge based on Nursing theories, thus causing little disciplinary development as they cannot be linked in professional praxis.
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