Exercise as treatment for the management of cancer-associated fatigue
Fatigue, exercise, cancerAbstract
Introduction: Fatigue is a subjective and permanent perception of physical, emotional and/or cognitive fatigue. Highlighting that it is worth mentioning that age is a risk factor for developing cancer and therefore fatigue associated with this disease. Our objective was to determine what are the benefits of exercise in the management of fatigue associated with cancer in adults. Materials and Methods: A systematic review was performed according to the Cochrane statement and with a search in EBSCO, PUBMED, MEDLINE, EMBASE, SCIELO and DOAJ. The methodological quality was made using PRISMA, PICO and PEDro. Scientific articles were used between January 2009 to June 2019. Objective: To determine the benefits of exercise in managing cancer-associated fatigue in adults. Results: Twenty-four clinical studies plus 11 meta-analyzes were included. Exercise was shown to reduce cancer-related fatigue, and the most effective exercises in reducing fatigue in adults with cancer were aerobic exercise, resistance training, and the combination of aerobic and resistance exercise in cancer patients. Conclusions: Aerobic and resistance exercise in combination has been shown to be effective and should be considered part of treatment to decrease cancer-related fatigue in adult patients.
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