Sustainable tourism management in the museums of Manabí, Ecuador: strategies for their revaluation
Cultural management, sustainable development, cultural tourism, museums; cultural property preservation, museologyAbstract
The objective was to design museum revaluation strategies with a sustainable approach for the tourism development of the province of Manabí, Ecuador. A qualitative, non-experimental, transversal, descriptive, analytical and synthetic approach was adopted. 12 interviews were carried out for convenience with those responsible for the museums through on-site visits, carried out between the months of March and June 2024. Data collection consisted of a guide of 9 open questions with the following categorizations: development problems tourism, actions for the sustainable development of cultural heritage, strategies to attract tourists and quality of the service offered. The most relevant results were: museums have a wide range of resources, however, the limited economic resources assigned to the cultural sector make the conservation and modernization of their facilities difficult, generating a loss of interest in visiting these sites. It was concluded that the implementation of revaluation strategies will be possible if there is good coordination between the entities in charge of their management, local governments and the private sector to improve the experience and increase the flow of visitors, contributing to the sustainable development of museums in the tourist and cultural context of the country.
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