Impact of work motivation on quality of care in a Peruvian restaurant chain: Case Ate branch in Lima-Peru, 2023
Motivation, attention, third sector, organization, services, PeruAbstract
The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of work motivation on the quality of service in a Peruvian restaurant chain, specifically at the Ate headquarters in Lima-Peru, 2023. A quantitative, transversal, explanatory and correlational approach was used. causal. The population as the census sample was made up of 50 employees of the restaurant chain studied. Data collection was carried out through surveys with a questionnaire composed of 23 items. The variables studied were work motivation (independent variable) broken down into two dimensions (intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation) and quality of care (dependent variable) in three dimensions (work efficiency, empathy with the client and the employee's responsiveness). Descriptive and inferential statistics techniques were applied using SPSS v28 for data analysis. Likewise, ordinal regression was used to verify the study hypotheses. Among the most relevant results are: acceptable internal consistency in the variables (Work motivation with ω=0.898 and Quality of care with ω=0.896) and the existence of causality between the variables with a Nagelkerke coefficient of 0.774 (77.4%). It is concluded that work motivation has a significant impact on the quality of care (p <0.05).
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