Clinico-epidemiological characteristics and sequelae in patients with Chikungunya at the National Hospital of Itauguá
arthralgia, chikungunya, epidemicAbstract
Introduction. Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) belongs to the Alphavirus genus and is transmitted by Aedes aegypti or A. albopictus mosquitoes. The main symptoms of this viral disease are high fever, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, and rash.
General. The objective of this research protocol is to determine the clinical, epidemiological characteristics and sequelae of patients with Chikungunya attended at the Itauguá National Hospital in 2023. Materials and methods. The design of this research is observational, descriptive and cross-sectional. The study subjects were patients who suffered from the disease in 2023. The variables were sociodemographic, clinical characteristics. The alarm symptoms and sequelae of this viral disease were also studied through digital surveys sent by link via WhatsApp in Google Forms. Protocol approved by the Ethics Committee, respecting the ethical principles of research. Results. The most frequent symptom among the 130 participants was joint pain with 96.15% and in second place fever with 90.77%. The majority of participants, 67.69% did not show alarm symptoms. The predominant alarm symptom was abdominal pain. Joint and/or body pain was the most frequent sequela, present in 70% of cases, followed by difficulty moving the joints in 45.38%. Conclusion. With this we can conclude that the most prevalent symptom was joint pain. Although most patients did not present any alarm symptoms, among those who did present abdominal pain was predominant.
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