Influence of abdominal circumference on blood pressure in the peruvian population, 2022




hypertension, waist circumference, adult, anthropometry, public health


Introduction. An increased abdominal circumference may enhance the vascularization of newly formed adipose tissue, leading to higher cardiac output and blood pressure. However, the impact and degree of association of these factors in the Peruvian population remain unknown. Objective. To evaluate the association between abdominal circumference and high blood pressure in Peruvian adults. Materials and Methods. Observational, analytical, retrospective, and cross-sectional study. Data from 27,356 adults in the National Demographic and Family Health Survey were analyzed. The dependent variable was mean blood pressure. Explanatory variables included age, educational level, mother tongue, ethnic group, body mass index (BMI), and abdominal circumference. Chi-square test, Cramér's V, Spearman's correlation, and Poisson regression were used to calculate adjusted prevalence ratios. Results. Adults with an increased abdominal circumference had higher blood pressure levels, especially men. The association between abdominal circumference and mean blood pressure was significant and weak in women (V=0.176) and moderate in men (V=0.331). The correlation was weak in women (Rho=0.393) and moderate in men (Rho=0.436). In the multivariate analysis, women with an increased abdominal circumference had a 1.43 times higher risk of high blood pressure, with BMI being the main predictor. In men, the risk was 2.31 times higher, with abdominal circumference as the primary predictor. Conclusion. Increased abdominal circumference is associated with higher blood pressure in Peruvian adults, being a key predictor in men and a secondary factor in women.


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How to Cite

Guevara Tirado A. Influence of abdominal circumference on blood pressure in the peruvian population, 2022. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];7:01-8. Available from: