Knowledge about pulmonary tuberculosis in residents of Asunción and Central Department, Paraguay




pulmonary tuberculosis, knowledge, population, mycobacterium tuberculosis


Introduction. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, especially prevalent in developing countries, where it represents a public health challenge due to increasing drug resistance. Despite its severity, a large part of the population does not perceive it as a current threat. Objective. To know the level of knowledge about tuberculosis of residents of Asuncion and Central Department of Paraguay. Materials and Methods. Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study that included residents of Asuncion and Central Department of Paraguay. Data were collected through a survey containing 13 items on etiology, modes of transmission, among other aspects, and was disseminated through social networks. Results. 215 people responded to the survey, of which 66.98% were female, 30.70% were 18-25 years old, and 86.98% had tertiary education. 93.02% obtained a score greater than 9 points, the items with the highest percentages in terms of knowledge were aspects of treatment, consequences of tuberculosis, prevention and what to do with a respiratory symptomatic person. Conclusion. The participants have a high level of knowledge about pulmonary tuberculosis.


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How to Cite

BenÍtez Pompa FA, Lopez Alvarenga GS, Ortega Filártiga EA. Knowledge about pulmonary tuberculosis in residents of Asunción and Central Department, Paraguay. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];6:01-8. Available from: