Prevalence of enthesophyte development in External Occipital Protuberance in Paraguayan population




bone hooks, protuberance, exostoses, enthesopathies


Introduction. The external occipital protuberance (EOP) is a smooth convex surface which commonly does not present any type of irregularities. The development of an enthesophyte in young population has attracted the attention of researchers. Objective. To determine the prevalence, size, age, and sex of individuals with bony projections that resembles a hook developed in EOP.  Methodology. Descriptive observational study. 5065 lateral skull x-rays were observed.  4017 fulfilled all the criteria. The x-rays were reviewed for the presence of a bony excrescence in EOP, and they were measured. Results. From a both sexes population between 13 to 45 years old 2902 were female and 1115 were male. 67% X-rays presented the enthesophyte ranging from 5 – 24 mm in length. 511 out of 1667 had an enthesophyte at or above 5 mm. There were 903 patients with an enthesophyte ranging from 9 – 12 mm in length and 254 had the protuberance ranging from 13 – 24 mm. Statistically significant range of 68% vs 32% between males and females were observed. From individuals of 40 years and above, just 1 male patient out of 32 showed the enthesophyte. Conclusion. Significant association with the development of a bony protuberance at the POE in young and young adult male population has been found.  This is the first study of this type in Paraguayan individuals. To expand the field of studies, future research is needed to better examine and understand the reason for the development of this bony excrescence.


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How to Cite

Oviedo Ramos EN, Meza Duarte AM, Meza Arriola CM. Prevalence of enthesophyte development in External Occipital Protuberance in Paraguayan population. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];5:01-6. Available from: