Characterization of patients not adherent to high blood pressure treatment




hypertension, blood pressure, treatment adherence and compliance, epidemiology


Introduction. The lack of therapeutic compliance is a problem to control high blood pressure. Objective. To characterize patients who do not adhere to the treatment of arterial hypertension in the V sanitary region of Paraguay. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in known hypertensive patients who were undergoing treatment for high blood pressure. The 8-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale was used, which measures specific adherence behaviors associated with medication intake. Results. 163 patients were included, all considered non-adherent to treatment according to the Morinsky MMAS-8 Scale. 52.2% were over 40 years old, 66.3% female, 40.5% with university level, 57.1% married, and 87.7% lived with their family. 66.9% reported working up to 8 hours per day and 58.3% with income greater than 2 minimum wages. Regarding knowledge, 53.9% was high. 50% of the patients declared using medicinal plants for their treatment, 7.4% with depression frequently or almost always and 22.1% with anxiety frequently or almost always. Regarding the non-adherence questions, 53.4% ​​ever forgot to take their medication or stopped taking it when they feel they are under control (53.3%), 44.2% stop taking their medication because they feel worse with it and 46.5% forget it when traveling. Conclusion. The non-adherence in patients from Region V was alarming, therefore, action measures must be taken regarding them.


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How to Cite

Viveros G, González G, Espinola R, Méndez J, Rios J, Duarte J, Britez M, Martinez G, Franco R, Ocampos L, Ullón D. Characterization of patients not adherent to high blood pressure treatment. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];5:01-6. Available from: