Support, Challenges, and Opportunities for a Person with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Paraguay: Analysis from the Parents' Perspective




autism spectrum disorder, Paraguay, parents


Introduction. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with high prevalence, whose personal and family challenges begin at an early age and are for life. Objective. To examine the level of support, challenges, and opportunities of people with autism from the perspective of their parents in Paraguay, using a qualitative approach and applying hermeneutic phenomenology at an exploratory level. Methodology. Data collection was carried out through focus groups and Journey Mapping. Forty-six parents and/or guardians of people with ASD from 20 cities in the country participated in the focus groups, and five mothers from the Capital in the Journey Mapping. Results. Families who have a child with autism in Paraguay generally receive support from the microsystem such as grandparents, relatives, and friends. They perceive a change in the family dynamics and they also emphasize the urgent need for institutions and trained professionals to provide early intervention services, more inclusive educational schools, and the promotion of spaces and opportunities for caregiver care. Conclusion. These findings may serve as a basis for the development of specific programs and for the design of future public policies, with the purpose of improving the quality of life of people with autism in Paraguay.


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How to Cite

Rodas Jara R, Franco NM, Rodas Jara LR, Franco F, Gómez Leiva E, Villalba Salinas D, Chromey N, Torales JC, Báez D. Support, Challenges, and Opportunities for a Person with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Paraguay: Analysis from the Parents’ Perspective . Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];5:01-7. Available from: