Use of CDZ paste in necrotic primary teeth with a minimally invasive technique




deciduous tooth, pulpectomy, antibacterial agents


Introduction: Treatment of root canals of primary molars with infected pulps has been widely described and has been the subject of discussion for many years, and there is still no consensus regarding the filling material. The CTZ paste (chloramphenicol, tetracycline and zinc oxide plus eugenol) accompanied by the Non-Instrumented Endodontic Technique has shown high clinical and radiographic effectiveness for the treatment of primary molars with pulp involvement. The replacement of the Tetracycline component by Doxycycline of the formulation has been proposed, due to the implications of a possible amelogenesis imperfecta and the coloration in the crown of said component. Goal. To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of CDZ paste in the endodontic treatment of necrotic primary teeth with a minimally invasive technique. Methodology: Intervention study in which patients with temporary teeth with an indication for pulp therapy and in whom CDZ paste was used were included. Treatment success was measured by the disappearance of symptoms. Results. 76 patients between 2 and 9 years old were included in the study. The efficacy of CDZ treatment was 97.6% in 125 teeth. Conclusions: The findings are comparable to studies using CTZ. Due to the biological characteristics of the material, its low cost, easy handling and excellent clinical results, it is considered an option in pulp therapy in primary teeth, as an alternative in the use of public health programs.


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How to Cite

Meza C, Costa P. Use of CDZ paste in necrotic primary teeth with a minimally invasive technique. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];5:1-12. Available from: