Predictores de gravedad en pacientes hospitalizados por COVID-19 en el Hospital Integrado Respiratorio del Alto Paraná, 2021

Predictors of severity in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at the Alto Paraná Integrated Respiratory Hospital, 2021




COVID-19, inpatients, risk factors, biomarkers


Introduction. The severity of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 can be determined by its sociodemographic characteristics and underlying diseases, as well as changes in symptoms and laboratory results. Objective. to analyze severity predictors in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at the Alto Paraná Respiratory Integrated Hospital. Methodology. Observational cros-sectional, retrospective study. Clinical charts of patients hospitalized between January and March of 2021 were retrospectively reviewed. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and severity risk factors were analyzed. Results. Of the 137 patients studied, 62.0% (n=85) were male. Mortality was 43.8% (n=60), similar in those under and over 60 years old. ICU admission was associated with higher mortality 69.4% (n=43) (p<0.001). The main symptoms were dyspnea 63.5% (n=87), dry cough 55.47% (n=76) and fever 54.0% (n=74), only dyspnea was associated (p<0.05) to death. The most frequent underlying diseases associated with a higher risk of death (p<0.001) were arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity. The most frequently altered laboratory parameters were leukocytosis, neutrophilia, lymphopenia, AST, D-dimer, ferritin and glycemia, but the markers associated (p<0.05) with death were lymphopenia, AST and glycemia. Conclusion. Some severity parameters were identified that contributed to the monitoring of the patient's evolution, which can be useful as predictors in the decisions of health professionals for treatment.


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How to Cite

Mereles Aranda EF, Vargas Correa A, Santacruz G, Santacruz L, Poullion D, Ojeda ML, Samudio M, Fretes D, Villalba B. Predictores de gravedad en pacientes hospitalizados por COVID-19 en el Hospital Integrado Respiratorio del Alto Paraná, 2021: Predictors of severity in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at the Alto Paraná Integrated Respiratory Hospital, 2021. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2022 May 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 28];4(1):105-13. Available from: