Familiar hypercholesterolemia knowledge by health personnel in Dominican Republic





familiar hypercholesterolemia, knowledge, cholesterol


Introduction: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a disease caused by various mutations with a variable incidence depending on its heterozygous or homozygous form. However, few cases are diagnosed and not all health personnel know about the disease. Material and Methods: An online survey based on Google Forms was conducted to measure the level of knowledge of health personnel about FH in the Dominican Republic. A questionnaire prepared by the authors based on the DUCTH criteria for hypercholesterolemia was used. Results: The predominance of health personnel who filled out the questionnaire was nutritionists; knowledge about the appropriate cut-off values ​​for the diagnosis of FH was reported in 30% of the sample. Conclusions: It is imperative to increase knowledge of the health personnel on FH to reduce premature cardiovascular death.


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Herrera Morban DA, Mendez M, Grullon A, Santos Acevedo SJ, Verges Castro A, Peralta Ciriaco PI, Rodríguez Despradel J, Soto Castillo J, Rosario Medina W, Goicochea A, Concepción Lantigua RM, Valenzuela H. Familiar hypercholesterolemia knowledge by health personnel in Dominican Republic. Rev. cient. cienc. salud [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 28];4(2):38-42. Available from: http://upacifico.edu.py:8040/index.php/PublicacionesUP_Salud/article/view/258